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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where to go for STEM Majors?

I'm particularly interested in a STEM major, but I'm not certain about the best college for it. Any suggestions?

5 months ago

Deciding on which college to attend for a STEM major depends on the specific major you're interested in. Schools typically have strengths in certain fields, and figuring out your specific major can ideally guide your school choice.

If you're drawn to computer science or engineering, schools like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and California Institute of Technology (Caltech) often top the charts. For instance, MIT has a strong computer science program, while Caltech is known for its physics program.

If you're into more applied sciences, like environmental science, chemistry, or biology, you might consider the University of California-Berkeley or Johns Hopkins University, both of which have strong programs in these areas.

Also, keep in mind that many liberal arts colleges, such as Harvey Mudd College and Williams College, also have notable STEM programs. They offer smaller class sizes, which can mean more personalized attention and hands-on experience.

Remember to take into account aspects of the institution beyond rankings, including but not limited to: location, size, availability of research opportunities, faculty to student ratio, culture, internship opportunities in surrounding area etc.

In the end, the "best" college for you will be one that fits your personal, academic, and career goals. College reviews, virtual visits, counseling advice, and talking to students already studying there, can all be valuable ways to find the right fit for you.

5 months ago

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