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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Undecided Major Seeks Career-Oriented College Major

Hey fam, I've been thinking about majors like crazy these days. Although, I'm curious about which ones would land me a job immediately after graduation. I'm all about that secure employment life. Thoughts?

5 months ago

Hello there,

Deciding a major in terms of job security is an excellent basis to narrow down your options. There are indeed certain fields that generally have a higher employment rate right out of college.

The STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are typically in high demand. Specifically, majors like Computer Science, Data Science or Software Engineering might enhance your employability right out of college due to the high demand for tech skills in our increasingly digital world.

Nursing is another major which tends to result in immediate job opportunities after graduation, given the perennial demand for healthcare professionals.

A degree in Business or Finance can also be a solid choice. These fields are versatile and can lead to a diverse array of opportunities in the professional world. It is quite possible that you'll find a job soon after you graduate, especially if you finish some internships or earn some certificates during your college years.

Education, whether elementary, special education, or secondary, also have relatively high employment rates post-graduation, especially in areas where there's a shortage of teachers.

Finally, majors in trade areas such as construction management, electrical engineering technology, or heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) are also known for their high job placement rates upon graduation because these are specialized, high-demand jobs.

Remember, though, that picking a major isn't just about immediate job prospects post-graduation. It's also important to choose a major that aligns with your interests and strengths. You'll likely perform better academically and feel more satisfied in a field you're passionate about, which can lead to better job opportunities in the long run. It's all about finding that balance.

Good luck on your college journey!

5 months ago

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