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Deciding On the Perfect Major - Any Aptitude Test?

Hello folks! As a junior, the pressure of picking a major is becoming more and more real by the day. I've heard some colleges offer aptitude or interest tests to help guide students to their ideal field of study. Are these tests any good? Has anyone tried it? Please share your experiences!

3 months ago

Absolutely, aptitude tests can be very helpful for identifying your interests and potential career paths! Keep in mind, however, that these are just tools and should not be the sole determinant of your choice of major.

Considering this, you have a couple of options that you could explore. You could take a career assessment test. These tests consider your skills, interests, and personality type to suggest careers that you might find fulfilling. It's not an exact science, but it can open your eyes to career paths you might not have considered.

Another option could be skills inventory tests. These types of tests help you identify your natural skills and abilities. These tests won't necessarily tell you which career path to choose, but they can certainly shed light on your strengths.

A final option is an interest inventory test. These tests ask you about your likes and dislikes regarding various activities, and they can provide insight into which careers align with your interests.

Remember, these tests are merely tools to help you gain some insight and the results should not be solely relied on. It's recommended that you also do some career exploration on your own, talk to people in fields you're interested in and take advantage of internships and job shadowing opportunities. This way, you can get a real feel for different fields and possible career paths. That's often much more helpful than just a test!

3 months ago

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