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What's the Best Destination for Out-of-state College for Californians?

Hello everyone, I'm a high school junior in California considering the idea of studying out-of-state. Could anyone suggest some top out-of-state colleges that are popular among Californian students?

3 months ago

There are several out-of-state schools that are traditionally appealing to Californians. The best choice depends on your personal preferences, field of interest, and what you're looking for in a college experience.

The University of Oregon and University of Washington in the Pacific Northwest are often popular with West Coast students as they're not too far from home. They both offer a wide range of majors, and students find the campuses to be welcoming and vibrant.

If you're considering the Northeast, many Californians apply to Ivy League schools and other prestigious institutions in this region. Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and Princeton often see a good number of applications from California due to their strong academic reputations across various fields of study.

The University of Texas at Austin is another great option for students interested in business or STEM fields, and it has a lively sports and music scene.

In the Midwest, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and University of Chicago are excellent options with strong programs across multiple disciplines. They have a reputation for drawing students from all over the country, including California.

It's also worth considering smaller liberal arts colleges like Amherst and Williams in Massachusetts, or Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr in Pennsylvania. These offer a close-knit community and rigorous academics.

Lastly, remember that out-of-state tuition can be significantly higher than in-state tuition, even at public universities. However, many schools offer scholarships and financial aid to out-of-state students, so be sure to factor that into your college search.

Keep in mind that the right college for you is going to depend more on your individual interests and goals than what's popular among other students from your state. It's crucial to thoroughly research any college before applying, visiting if possible and using resources like CollegeVine to gain insights into different colleges and universities.

3 months ago

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