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Best Ohio college for a Science Research major?

Hi peeps, I'm a junior and I'm wanting to major in Science Research when I get to college. I'm from Ohio and want to stay in-state - any thoughts on the top programs I should be considering?

3 months ago

Ohio has several top-tier programs for students keen on pursuing a Science Research major.

Firstly, consider Ohio State University. They have a highly-rated program that offers hands-on experience and renowned faculty. OSU runs the Undergraduate Research Office that offers various opportunities to engage in research, from group team-based learning to faculty-mentored research projects. It's great for students looking for a larger university experience.

Secondly, Case Western Reserve University offers excellent research opportunities in the sciences. The CWRU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors provides students with opportunities to find research mentors across disciplines. It also offers summer fellowships for intensive research experiences and collaborates with NASA.

Lastly, Kenyon College. Despite being a liberal arts college, Kenyon has a well-regarded science department due to their emphasis on original research. Undergraduates at Kenyon often participate in research projects and many present their findings at national conferences.

Each of these universities provides a distinct learning environment, so when choosing, consider where you feel you would thrive personally and academically. Generally, it is good to visit campuses—virtually or physically—to understand what each institution feels like. You can also research on their respective websites or reach out to current students or alumni through various platforms.

3 months ago

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