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Choosing the Right College for Special Education Major

I've been volunteering with special needs kids in my local community and I absolutely cherish my time with them. This makes me want to pursue Special Education as my major. I am aware that this is a unique field, therefore, does anyone have any suggestions on the best colleges I should consider for this major?

3 months ago

There are several great colleges known for their excellent Special Education programs. Here is a short list you may consider:

1. Vanderbilt University's Peabody College: With a strong emphasis on research and engagement, their undergraduate special education program is known to be one of the best in the country. It prepares students to work with children and adults with varying degrees of learning disabilities.

2. University of Kansas: The school of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Kansas is highly recognized for its work in the field of special education. They not only provide rigorous coursework but also ample opportunities for hands-on training and research.

3. University of Virginia: Aside from providing an excellent Special Education undergraduate program, UVA takes it further by allowing students to complete a Master’s degree in Education during a fifth year. This can be extremely beneficial for students seeking comprehensive training in the field.

4. University of Wisconsin - Madison: This university offers a dual certification that equips their graduates to work in both special and regular education environments. This practical approach brings a lot of value to students aiming to make a difference in diverse education settings.

Remember that the best choice for you depends on various factors such as financial affordability, campus culture, location, and opportunities for practicums and internships. Therefore, in addition to these suggestions, it's also a good idea to consult your high school counselor and conduct ample research before finalizing your decision.

3 months ago

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