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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Top SUNY Colleges for Education Majors

Hi, I'm considering going to a SUNY college for my major in Education. Does anyone have any recommendations on the top SUNY colleges for this major?

3 months ago

Absolutely, when it comes to studying Education within the SUNY system, several schools stand out.

1. SUNY Geneseo - Known for its strong teacher preparation programs across various age groups and subjects. Graduates of this program often go on to successful careers in education.

2. SUNY Buffalo State - Best known for its concentration in urban education. Buffalo State's location allows hands-on learning experiences in various urban settings.

3. SUNY Cortland - Known for its programs in Physical Education. If you're interested in sports, health, or wellness education, this could be a fantastic choice.

4. SUNY Oneonta - This college offers a wide choice of education programs from Early Childhood to Adolescence. It boasts of on-site schools, which provide strong practical experiences.

Remember, while these are strong programs, it's also important to consider other factors such as size, location, campus culture, cost, and financial aid when choosing a college. I recommend visiting these campuses, if possible, or taking virtual tours to gauge which college environment may be the best fit for you.

Finally, it can also be helpful to reach out to current students or alumni from these programs, to gain more insights about their experiences. Don't forget to consider post-graduation outcomes, such as job placement rates and advanced degree opportunities.

3 months ago

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