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Best Football Colleges in California?

Can anyone chime in on the best colleges in California for a student-athlete interested in football? I'm looking for a good balance of strong athletics and academics.

3 months ago

Sure, happy to help out. What's worth noting is that the right college for any student-athlete can depend on a lot of factors, including the student's athletic ability, academic goals, and personal preferences. Having said that, here are a few California schools known for both strong football and academics.

1. Stanford University: Stanford has a top-tier football program and is one of the most academically rigorous universities in the country.

2. University of California, Berkeley: UC Berkeley is well-regarded in terms both of academics and their football program.

3. University of Southern California: USC has historically had a very strong football team and is known for rigorous academic programs.

4. University of California, Los Angeles: UCLA has a strong football program and is also a recognized academic institution.

5. San Diego State University: San Diego State has a pretty good football program and is also recognized for its academics, especially in Business, Public Health, and Criminal Justice.

Remember, it's essential to consider the overall fit. You'll want a school that supports your academic goals, not just your athletic ones. While these schools have strong programs in football, their academics are also rigorous. Be sure to research the availability of your intended major or academic interest, as well as resources available to student-athletes, such as tutoring services and academic advisors.

Don't forget to consider other factors like scholarships, campus culture, location, and the coaching staff. It's also important to reach out early and often to the coaches at these schools to express your interest and to showcase your athletic abilities. Make sure your high school coach is also in touch with them.

3 months ago

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