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Need advice on choosing a community college for nursing in California

I'm a junior currently considering nursing as my career path and I think a community college might be a beneficial first step for me. I'm in California and hoping to stay here for my studies. What are some of the best community colleges here known for their nursing program?

3 months ago

Three community colleges in California that have particularly strong Nursing programs are Pasadena City College, Long Beach City College, and Santa Rosa Junior College.

Pasadena City College, located in the Los Angeles County, offers a solid RN program with high NCLEX-RN pass rates, which is an important consideration when selecting a nursing program.

Long Beach City College, also in the LA County, is known for its diverse faculty and excellent program structure that includes classroom and clinical components. Their RN program places a strong emphasis on hands-on experience in a variety of medical settings.

Santa Rosa Junior College up in Sonoma County also has a high NCLEX-RN pass rate and the college offers an ADN to BSN transition program which can help you continue your education towards a Bachelor's degree after completing your Associate's degree.

Each of these programs maintains partnerships with local healthcare institutions for clinical placements, which allow students to gain valuable practical experience in a real-world healthcare setting. Remember to investigate details like curriculum, faculty qualifications, and the resources available to students at each institution. It might also be useful to reach out to current students or alumni who have attended the nursing program for their insights and experiences.

Ultimately, the best community college for you will depend on your specific needs, such as location, cost, and the school's philosophy of nursing education. So, in addition to looking at rankings of the nursing programs, be sure to consider these additional factors as well.

3 months ago

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