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Need Help Selecting a College for Real Estate Major

Hi, I'm seriously considering a career in Real Estate and I live in California. Can anyone suggest colleges with an excellent Real Estate program? I want to make the most informed choice possible, so any advice would be much appreciated.

3 months ago

There are several schools in California with strong Real Estate programs. Berkeley, USC, and UCLA are known for their real estate programs within their respective business schools.

Berkeley's Haas School of Business offers a range of real estate electives and has an active Real Estate Club that exposes students to career opportunities in the industry. You'll have access to networking events, career development workshops, and more.

The University of Southern California (USC) offers a comprehensive real estate program through the Marshall School of Business and the Price School of Public Policy. These programs are well-supported by its Lusk Center for Real Estate, which facilitates research, instruction, and outreach across the industry.

UCLA has a Certificate in Real Estate through UCLA Extension, which offers full-time and part-time options for students. The school's strong ties to the Los Angeles market can afford students opportunities to network and get internships in the city's vibrant real estate market.

Lastly, Pepperdine University's Graziadio Business School offers a Bachelor of Science in Management with a concentration in Real Estate that's worth considering as well.

Do your research about the specific aspects of each program that resonate with you, such as curriculum, faculty, alumni networks, internship opportunities, and student organizations. Also keep in mind that studying for a career in Real Estate doesn't always mean you have to major in it specifically; related fields such as Business, Finance, or Economics can also lead to a successful career in Real Estate.

3 months ago

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