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Pre-Med: Need Guidance on Top Colleges

I'm leaning towards a career in medicine and I've done some research, like looking at blogs and resources like 'niche the-best-pre-med-majors'. Can some of you weigh in on what colleges you think are the best for pre-med?

3 months ago

Here's what many might suggest based on various factors like strong undergraduate research opportunities, high MCAT scores, admirable med school acceptance rates, and stellar faculty:

1. Harvard University: Known for its strong biology and biosciences programs, Harvard has had many of its graduates go onto top-tier medical schools.

2. Johns Hopkins University: Home to one of the best medical schools and hospitals in the world, Hopkins is known to provide an exceptional pre-med education.

3. Duke University: Renowned for its superb undergraduate research opportunities and strong focus on the health professions.

4. Stanford University: Besides being at the forefront of medicine and biosciences research, Stanford's Silicon Valley location opens up unique opportunities in health technology.

5. University of Pennsylvania: The school's hands-on approach and diverse elective coursework make it a crowd-favorite among pre-med students.

6. Vanderbilt University: Known for high med school acceptance rates and a dedicated pre-health advising system.

7. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Nationally recognized for its preparation in leadership in health care and medical research.

Keep in mind that the best pre-med school for you also depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. Consider factors like class sizes, location, financial aid, campus culture, and overall fit when deciding where to apply. Good luck!

3 months ago

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