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Music Education in California colleges -- where to go?

Hello everyone! As a junior in high school, I want to continue my passion for music by studying Music Education. I am focusing my search in California and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations or experiences at colleges there with this program?

3 months ago

You're on the right track in following your passion for music! California is packed with terrific options for your intended area of study. Let's highlight a few.

First, the University of Southern California (USC) houses the Thornton School of Music, which is one of the top music schools in the US. Their Music Education program is highly regarded and provides opportunities for students to gain hands-on teaching experience.

Another reputable institution to consider is the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The Herb Alpert School of Music at UCLA equally offers a bachelor's degree in Music Education that provides coursework in music theory, performance, and education, preparing students for successful careers as music educators.

San Francisco State University (SFSU) also offers a Bachelor of Music in Music Education. Here, students can expect instruction in musicology, theory, and a range of ensembles, along with courses pertinent to music pedagogy.

Lastly, California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) has a renowned music program, and the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music there offers a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education. Their comprehensive curriculum aims to cultivate skilled and effective music educators through immersive learning in music theory, performance, and teaching methodologies.

Remember, in selecting a college for Music Education, you should take into account factors such as the school's overall reputation, faculty expertise, the size and facilities of the music department, opportunities for internships or teaching experiences, and fit with your personal preferences and career aspirations. Also, it would be a good idea to reach out to schools and ask about graduate outcomes such as job placements after graduation.

Good luck in your college hunt and future music education endeavors!

3 months ago

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