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What's the best College Major for Aspiring Actors?

Hi there! I'm a high school junior with big dreams of becoming an actor. I know pursuing an acting career doesn't necessarily require a college degree but I want that as a backup. So, wondering what might be a good major choice for someone like me?

3 months ago

There isn't a single "best" major for aspiring actors, but certain choices can provide a solid foundation for your acting career while giving you valuable skills for other career paths if needed.

One obvious choice would be a major in Theatre or Drama. This option provides an opportunity to learn about the history and theory of drama, participate in numerous productions, and hone your acting skills. It also gives you the chance to make valuable connections with faculty members and fellow students who share your interests.

A major in Film Studies could also be beneficial, particularly if you're interested in screen acting. This course provides an understanding of film as a medium and industry, which could be very helpful to an actor.

Moreover, you might also consider a major in English or Literature. These courses provide a deep understanding of storytelling, character development and dialogue, which are vital to both stage and screen performance.

Alternatively, a major in Communications or even Business could be useful, particularly if you hope to manage your career independently. Learning about public speaking, negotiation and marketing might serve you well in the entertainment industry.

Finally, remember that many successful actors studied a variety of subjects in college. The most important factor is to choose something that genuinely interests you. College is a time for exploration and growth, and a major that you're passionate about can only improve your college experience.

3 months ago

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