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What college major should an 'enterprising conventional' personality type choose?

Hi, there. I took a personality test recently and it showed that I'm an 'enterprising conventional' type. I'm curious to know, what would be a fitting college major for my personality type?

5 months ago

The "enterprising conventional" personality type usually is associated with people who enjoy structured, goal-oriented tasks and are typically organized, practical, and efficient. They are also likely to enjoy positions of leadership and influence. So, it could make sense for you to look into majors that align with these preferences.

One such major could be Business Administration. This major offers structured learning and provides a clear path towards entrepreneurial roles or management positions. It involves studying various aspects of business, including finance, marketing, strategy, and human resources. All of these areas require an organized, goal-oriented approach which aligns well with your personality type.

Additionally, majors like Accounting or Finance could also work. They are methodical and orderly, which suits 'conventional' types, but also have opportunities for growth and often involve problem-solving and leadership roles. Finance, for example, would enable you to use your analytical abilities and offer numerous career paths post-graduation.

Finally, if you are interested in the technical side of things, Information Systems could be another great choice. This major is about applying technology to solve real-world business problems. It is structured, has concrete goals, and offers plenty of room for creativity and leadership.

Please remember that while personality types can be helpful guides, a lot depends on your individual interests and passion. Explore different fields and pursue one that truly excites you!

5 months ago

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