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SAT: 720 math
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Help a Latin Lover Out!

I'm interested in majoring in Latin. Just wondering, does anyone know which US colleges might be the best for this major?

5 months ago

Happy to help with your Latin-focused college search! Latin is a fascinating and powerful language that offers a lot of deep insights into history, philosophy, and the roots of Western culture.

Looking at the strengths of Latin programs, the best bets would often fall into colleges known for strong liberal arts foundations or larger universities that have robust Classics departments.

One such university is Harvard, which has a comprehensive department that offers ancient languages including Latin and also allows for inter-disciplinary study of ancient history and archaeology. Yale is another standout with its Classics Department offering a great deal of flexibility to students who want to focus on Latin. Stanford also has a strong Classics department, and its location near Silicon Valley offers unique opportunities for applying a Latin background in the tech sector.

Among liberal arts colleges, Williams College has an excellent Classics Department, as does Bowdoin College. For a smaller community and teaching-focused environment, these liberal arts colleges can be a fantastic place to study Latin.

Remember, everyone might have different experiences at different colleges, so consider other factors like location, financial fit, size, and extracurriculars when deciding where to apply. Reach out to the colleges mentioned above and explore their course catalogues, faculty, student resources, and research opportunities in Latin. This will give you a better idea of the depth and breadth of their respective programs.

5 months ago

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