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Are there any ideal college majors for students with ADD?

Hey all, I've got ADD and it's always been a bit of a struggle for me. Now that I'm looking at colleges, I wonder if there are some majors that might be a good fit for me, considering my ADD? Thanks for the help!

5 months ago

Absolutely, students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can thrive in the academic world. The significant thing here is to explore fields that ignite your curiosity, passion, or where your strengths shine.

If you have a predisposition to detailed and creative tasks, consider majors such as Graphic Design, Fine Arts, or Creative Writing. These fields foster an environment that allows you to leverage your creativity and, by nature, encourage exploring non-linear processes, which can be beneficial for a student with ADD.

Alternatively, if you are hands-on or prefer more concrete and practical concepts, exploring fields like Engineering, Computer Science, or Culinary Arts can be satisfying, offering a clear structure and practical output.

Meanwhile, if you are more people-oriented and excel in interactive environments, you might consider majors like Communications, Education, or even Psychology.

Apart from your major, it's essential to maximize the resources available to assist students with different learning needs. Most colleges offer resources through their disability services office, which can provide accommodations, such as extended test-taking time or note-taking assistance.

Remember, key to success in college is a major that resonates with your passions and strengths. ADD doesn’t limit the scope of possibilities. Rather, it provides a unique perspective that can be leveraged in many fields of study.

5 months ago

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