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Hunt for the Best Colleges for Social Work in California

Hey there! Junior year is wrapping up and I'm planning to pursue Social Work in college. Does anyone have any experience or insights about which California colleges stand out for this discipline? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be glad to help you with some insights! First, let's talk about UC Berkeley. They offer a bachelor's degree in Social Welfare through the School of Social Welfare. The program provides a solid foundation and preparation for students interested in pursuing a Master of Social Welfare (MSW) degree program.

Then, there's UCLA. The Luskin School of Public Affairs at UCLA offers a BA in Public Affairs. Although it's not expansive as a social work degree, the curriculum embodies many significant elements of social work studies—public policy, leadership, problem-solving, and community service.

For a school that may be less competitive to get into, you might consider San Diego State University (SDSU). SDSU offers a BA in Social Work that equips students with the knowledge of social services and various aspects of the profession, including child and family services, mental health, school social work, and more.

Lastly, let's not forget the CSU Long Beach. It's well-known for its Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) program. The School of Social Work at CSU Long Beach aims at developing generalist social work practitioners who are committed to the ideals of social justice and are dedicated to promoting the welfare and well-being of individuals, families, communities, and organizations.

These are just some of the California colleges that have strong programs in Social Work. I encourage you to research more about each one and consider their respective curriculum, campus, teaching faculty, and student supports to find what aligns best with your aspirations!

5 months ago

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