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Secondary Education and History Majors in PA?

Hi everyone, I'm planning to double major in Secondary Education and History (I know, quite a combo). Is there any college in Pennsylvania known for excellence in these areas?

5 months ago

Pennsylvania has a number of colleges that are recognized for their programs in Secondary Education and History. Here are a few standout examples:

1. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): Although Education is offered as a master's program at UPenn, their History undergraduate program is considered top-tier nationally. Additionally, they offer an undergraduate Education minor which could provide a solid foundation in education concepts and theories for your later master's study.

2. Pennsylvania State University (Penn State): Penn State offers a program in Secondary Education that focuses on grades 7-12 and allows students to choose a subject area specialty, such as Social Studies, which could complement a History major. The university's History program is also well-regarded, providing a broad historical perspective.

3. University of Pittsburgh (Pitt): Pitt consistently ranks highly for its School of Education, which includes a program in Secondary Education. The History department, too, is strong and offers a wide range of courses.

4. Villanova University: Besides a comprehensive History program, Villanova's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers a Secondary Education certification program. This certification is for grades 7-12 and allows for a Social Studies specialization.

Remember to investigate each school's specific course requirements, faculty expertise, and opportunities for practical experience, such as student teaching placements or internships. These factors can greatly influence your educational experience and preparation for a future career in teaching. Comparing these elements across different programs can help you find the best fit for your educational and career goals.

5 months ago

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