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What kind of jobs can an international business major get while in college?

Hey, I'm majoring in International Business and was wondering what kind of jobs I can get that are relevant to my field while I'm still in college. Any suggestions or experiences to share? Thanks!

5 months ago

Certainly, you can find quite a few part-time or internship options that are relevant to your International Business major.

One potential option could be an International Trade Internship or part-time job within an exporting company. With this, you'd gain exposure to global supply chains, international regulations, and customs procedures.

Additionally, consider looking into work as a Research Assistant. Universities and think tanks regularly need students to help research global markets, economic trends, and counties' business practices. This could provide meaningful, hands-on experience.

You could also consider seeking a position as a Student Ambassador or in International Student Services if your college has these positions available. These jobs often involve interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds and can be an excellent opportunity to develop your cross-cultural communication skills.

Lastly, look into internships at multinational corporations, consulting firms, or international non-profits. While these may be more competitive, they align closely with an International Business degree and could provide an invaluable experience.

While college jobs may not line up perfectly with your career aspirations, remember that any experience can be helpful as you build your resume. Even roles indirectly related to international business can emphasize skills such as team collaboration, problem-solving, communication, and organization, all of which are beneficial in the international business world. Good luck on your search!

5 months ago

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