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Best Colleges for Outdoor Education Degrees

Hey everyone, I have a passion for nature and educating others about it. I'm even considering majoring in Outdoor Education. Can anyone advise on the top colleges that are known for this major? What should I look for in a good program? I'd be super grateful for any insights or personal experiences!

5 months ago

Hello! It's great to see someone so passionate about outdoor education. Considering your interest, there are several colleges known for strong programs in this field.

1. University of Minnesota Duluth: The Environmental and Outdoor Education program is particularly strong, with a focus on leadership skills, outdoor literacy, and environmental ethics.

2. Green Mountain College: Known for its strong emphasis on sustainability, it offers an Adventure Education degree.

3. Montreat College: They offer an Outdoor Education degree with an emphasis on experiential education and leadership skills in outdoor settings.

4. University of New Hampshire: Notably offers a dual major in outdoor education, where you can pair your outdoor education major with another major.

5. Prescott College: Their degree in adventure education focuses on outdoor leadership, including wilderness program design.

Each of these programs has a unique approach to outdoor education, and each has different strengths, so it's essential to consider your specific career goals and interests. Here's what I'd advise looking for in a program:

1. Curriculum: Look for programs that emphasize teaching methods, program planning, and risk management. Some programs may also offer concentrations in specific areas such as adventure education or environmental literacy.

2. Experience: Field experience is vital in this major, so look for programs that emphasize real-world experience or internships. Some colleges may also offer programs where you can get teaching experience.

3. Location: A college's location can significantly impact the type of field experiences accessible to you. It's advantageous if the college is located close to diverse natural environments.

4. Accreditation: Try to ensure that the program is accredited by organizations such as the Association for Experiential Education or the Wilderness Education Association.

5. Community: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for outdoor education can significantly enrich your learning experience, so do consider the college's community and culture.

Finding the right fit for your personal and academic preference might involve a bit of legwork, but hopeful these suggestions provide a good starting point. Good luck with your search!

5 months ago

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