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What college major best caters to someone who's a Libra?

So, astrologically speaking, I'm a Libra. I know it might sound crazy but I genuinely believe in the traits associated with my star sign. They say we are diplomatic, fair, and social. Any majors catch your mind that can utilize these traits to the fullest? At the end of the day, I want to choose a major that aligns with my personality traits.

5 months ago

Given the traits you've identified as possessing — being diplomatic, fair, and social — I believe there are a few majors you may want to consider. Please remember that your major should also align with your career goals and interests beyond your astrological sign.

1. Political Science or International Relations: With your diplomatic nature, you might find these fields especially appealing as a Libra. They focus on negotiation, policy making, and conflict resolution, all of which require diplomacy and fairness. Furthermore, you’ll engage in lots of discussions, debates, and collaborative work, allowing you to socialize and engage with differently minded individuals.

2. Psychology or Sociology: These fields are centered on understanding individuals or groups, their behaviors, and their relationships. Psychology and sociology require empathy, keen observation skills, and a desire to comprehend different perspectives, which seem to align with your Libra traits.

3. Communication or Public Relations: These majors require good social skills, as you’ll need to effectively express ideas, build relationships, and manage perceptions. Having diplomacy and fairness in these fields would be crucial, especially in potentially heated or sensitive situations.

Remember, these are just ideas based on your Libra traits. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you feel a passion for what you're studying, because this will motivate you throughout your college career and potentially beyond. Good luck in finding the right major for you!

5 months ago

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