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Engineering Programs in California Community Colleges?

I'm currently a high school junior considering pursuing engineering. I may go the community college route first - for anyone who's gone this way, what would be your top picks for California community colleges with good engineering programs?

5 months ago

Exploring different pathways to an engineering degree is always a safe bet, and attending a community college first can be a cost-effective way of fulfilling those general ed requirements before transferring to a four-year university. There are a multitude of California community colleges with robust engineering programs. The list below considers factors such as transfer rate, student resources, and rigor of curriculum:

1. Santa Monica College: Known for its high transfer rate to UCs and especially reputable for its engineering program which is designed to meet lower division standards of most 4-year colleges.

2. Pasadena City College: Its engineering curriculum prepares students for transfer to UCs and offers hands-on design and research opportunities.

3. Diablo Valley College: The engineering department here is tailored for students intending to transfer to four-year universities. It also provides support services such as career guidance.

4. Irvine Valley College: It has a dedicated School of Mathematics, Sciences, and Engineering with several engineering courses.

Remember, the suitability of a community college is subjective and depends on many factors that may vary per individual, including location, transfer agreements to preferred 4-year colleges, class size etc. I suggest doing your research, visiting some campuses if you can, and checking out their course catalogs to make sure that the engineering program offered aligns with your academic and career goals.

5 months ago

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