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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any Good Major Quizzes?

Yo, ever take one of those 'best major for you' quizzes that are somehow supposed to know your life better than you do? Any of them any good, or just a waste of time?

5 months ago

Taking a 'best major for you' quiz can be a helpful starting point if you're unsure about where your interests lie or don't know what to major in. These quizzes typically ask about your skills, interests, or career goals to generate suggestions. Still, they should not be relied upon solely for such a significant decision.

One quiz you might consider is the MyMajors Quiz. It's designed to ask pointed questions about your classroom preferences and predict what areas of study might be most compatible with those preferences. Another tool you might find helpful is the BigFuture Major and Career Search on the Collegeboard website. This tool doesn't exactly quiz you, but it provides an extensive look at the major of your choice or you can browse different majors as well.

Remember, most colleges offer a period of exploration before you have to declare a major. You might find it helpful to take a course or two in subjects you're considering, to gain some first-hand experience. And check in with your academic advisor. They're there to guide you and answer any questions you may have about choosing a major. They can provide some insights into different career pathways related to each potential major.

In the end, the decision should be a reflection of your personal interests, career goals, and where you feel you'll excel.

5 months ago

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