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Best Colleges for a Sports Medicine Major?

I'm thinking about pursuing sports medicine, and I'm trying to figure out which college would be the best fit for me. Anybody here know which colleges are known to excel in this major?

3 months ago

Sure, there are several colleges known for their strong sports medicine or similar programs, including both undergraduate and graduate level studies.

For example, the University of Virginia (UVA) has a well-regarded Kinesiology major, which could serve as a good starting point for a career in sports medicine. They have an option to concentrate in Exercise and Sports Medicine, and the school's access to notable athletics teams can provide practical experience opportunities.

The University of Michigan (UMich) is another institution known for its excellent sports medicine programs. Their Kinesiology major, Movement Science concentration, is particularly tailored towards students interested in the scientific aspects of human movement.

Ohio State University (OSU) offers an undergraduate major in Exercise Science Education that might be of interest to you. They also have a robust Athletic Training program where students can gain practical experience.

Finally, at the University of Oregon, there's a Human Physiology major with courses that cover extensive grounds in physical therapy and sports medicine.

Remember that many individuals interested in sports medicine ultimately attend graduate school (such as medical school or physical therapy school), so an undergraduate major that prepares you well for these paths and provides you with a strong science basis can be helpful. While these are some of the best programs, you also want to consider other factors such as location, campus culture, cost, etc to choose the right fit for you.

3 months ago

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