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Looking for Suggestions: Best College for Sports Management Major in Indiana

I've always been fascinated by the business side of sports and I'm considering a major in Sports Management. I'm from Indiana and want to stay in state for college. What's the best college in Indiana for a Sports Management major? Any suggestions or experiences would be helpful.

3 months ago

In Indiana, I would recommend looking into Indiana University–Bloomington. Their Sport Marketing and Management program is part of the School of Public Health and ranks among the top of its kind across the nation. Graduates from this program have gone onto significant leadership roles in a wide range of organizations including leagues, teams, and marketing firms associated with the sports industry.

Another school to consider is Ball State University. They offer a major in Sport Administration which covers many of the same topics one would study in a Sport Management program. They are also known for having very involved faculty and providing opportunities for practical experiences such as internships and volunteer placements, which can be a huge advantage when it comes to getting real-world experience.

When making a decision, think about your own personal criteria as well as academic excellence, such as size of the school, extracurricular opportunities, and what kind of connections the program may have in the industry. You might consider reaching out to the department heads to gain more insight into the programs and potential opportunities after graduation.

3 months ago

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