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Online Communications Major in Texas Community Colleges

I'm a Texan looking to stay somewhat local (even if it's online) for my communications major studies. Any fellow Texans here with recommendations for the best community colleges in Texas that offer this online? Any tips on the application process would also be appreciated.

3 months ago

Hey there! Fellow Texan here happy to chip in with some knowledge. Luckily for you, there are a good number of community colleges in Texas that offer online communications studies, and they offer a great cost-effective way to kickstart your degree!

One highly-regarded option is Dallas College (formerly Dallas County Community College District). They have a comprehensive online Associate of Arts in Communication. Austin Community College is also a good choice as they have a comprehensive online program for Communications as well.

In terms of the application process, each college may vary a bit, but generally, you would need to:

1. Fill out the college's application, which would involve providing your personal identification and educational background.

2. Submit your high school or GED transcripts.

3. May need to take a placement test, but this can often be waived with SAT or ACT scores.

4. Apply for financial aid by filling out the FAFSA, if needed.

Keep in mind deadlines for applications and try to have all your relevant documents ready.

Once accepted, you'll want to reach out to an academic advisor, who can help plan your classes and ensure they'll transfer if you want to eventually pursue a bachelor's degree. In planning your course, try to balance your workload with your other commitments, as online learning requires a lot of self-discipline and self-scheduling. Don't overload yourself!

Remember to keep checking with the school's Online Learning or Distance Education department. They'll be your best bet for detailed, college-specific advice, resources, and information for success.

I wish you the best of luck with your communications studies!

3 months ago

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