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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best Teaching Major Colleges?

I'm sure about my choice to teach. Friends, can you recommend some top-tier colleges which are known for their teaching majors?

3 months ago

Absolutely, it's wonderful that you're committed to the path of teaching. Here are some highly regarded colleges known for their strong teaching and education programs:

1. Vanderbilt University: Their Peabody College notably offers Education and Human Development programs. Look into their Human & Organizational Development, or HOD, major. It's one of the most popular majors on campus.

2. Harvard University: While the undergraduate school doesn't offer an education major, Harvard's Graduate School of Education is renowned in the field. As an undergrad, you can take education-related courses to prepare for your eventual path in teaching.

3. University of Pennsylvania: Again, although there's no undergraduate education major, Penn offers an Education minor and a variety of education-related programs via its top-ranked Graduate School of Education.

4. Michigan State University: MSU ranks highly in education, and their College of Education offers a teaching major.

5. Johns Hopkins University: Johns Hopkins School of Education is one of the top schools for education. Once again, they don’t offer an undergraduate major, but you could minor in Education and gain a solid foundation for your future graduate studies in Education.

Remember, it's not just the overall reputation of the school or even the department that matters most. You should look into the specifics of the programs that interest you—for example, if you want to teach a specific age group or subject, or if there are faculty members whose work aligns with your own interests. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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