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Optimal College for a Vocal Performance Major?

I want to keep singing through college. Does anyone know which colleges have the best vocal performance majors?

3 months ago

Firstly, it's fantastic that you're seeking to continue your passion for singing into your college years. For vocal performance, here are some schools you might consider:

1. Juilliard School (New York, NY): As one of the most recognized performing arts conservatories in the world, Juilliard offers rigorous training in voice.

2. Berklee College of Music (Boston, MA): Known for making strides in contemporary music education, Berklee's vocal program emphasizes modern music styles.

3. Manhattan School of Music (New York, NY): This college has numerous famous vocal performance alumni and offers degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

4. Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music (Bloomington, IN): Their voice program provides one-on-one lessons and the opportunity to perform in operas and musical theatre productions.

5. Oberlin College and Conservatory (Oberlin, OH): Oberlin's curriculum includes both intensive conservatory classes and liberal arts courses, offering a well-rounded education.

6. University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance (Ann Arbor, MI): Beyond the strong reputation of its vocal program, the school also provides phenomenal training in choral music.

7. University of Southern California Thornton School of Music (Los Angeles, CA): USC Thornton hosts numerous on-campus performances and offers significant opportunities for involvement in LA’s flourishing music and art scene.

As it is subjective and dependent on individual preferences, determining what the best school is for you could depend on several factors - the type of vocal performance you are interested in (opera, choir, solo, musical theatre etc.), preferred teaching styles, geographical preferences, financial aspects, and overall fit with the school. Furthermore, since each program is unique, you might prefer a certain program's approach or faculty over another, even if it’s less renowned generally. Research thoroughly, visit if possible, and consider reaching out to faculty or current students to get a better sense of each school's environment.

3 months ago

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