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Laptop Recommendations for Business Majors?

Hey everyone! Rising senior here, planning on majoring in Business. I'm beginning to consider the essentials I'll need for college, and top of my list is a laptop. Any advice on which laptop models or brands would be best suited for a Business major? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

As a business major, you'll likely require software like Microsoft Office for tasks such as Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. Therefore, a laptop with a good processor and enough RAM to handle these tasks is critical.

Two popular options that are often favored by business students are the MacBooks and Dell XPS line due to their reliability, performance, and customer support.

A MacBook Pro or MacBook Air could be great options, especially if you're comfortable with the Apple ecosystem. They have solid performance, great displays, and are generally robust. Moreover, they come pre-installed with productivity apps like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, though you can also run Microsoft Office smoothly on them.

Alternatively, the Dell XPS line, particularly the XPS 13 or XPS 15, can be a strong choice for a Windows-based laptop. They're well-known for their excellent build quality and long-lasting performance. They handle Microsoft Office Suite well and are hefty enough to tackle heavier tasks you might encounter in your business coursework.

Keep in mind that these are premium laptops and can be quite expensive. If you're budget-conscious, consider looking at more affordable alternatives, such as the Acer Aspire 5 or Lenovo IdeaPad laptops.

In any case, ensure the laptop you choose has a good battery life, especially if you plan on taking it to lectures and study sessions.

Also, double-check with your college or department about any potential software requirements for your major. Some business programs may require specific operating systems for certain software applications. Having a clear idea of requirements can guide your decision.

3 months ago

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