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What's the best college major for making money after graduation?

Hey peeps, I won't beat around the bush, I wanna make decent money after college. So, what's the best major to pick for getting a high-paying job after graduation?

3 months ago

If we're just talking about monetary gains, there are a few majors that tend to produce graduates with high earning potentials. Keep in mind, though, that variables such as the college you attend, the industry you enter, and the specific job you take on can all have significant impacts too.

1. Engineering: This is a broad field, but several engineering disciplines consistently rank among the highest paying majors. For instance, chemical engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and petroleum engineering often lead to lucrative careers.

2. Computer Science: Given the rise of technology and the demand for people who can navigate this world, those who major in computer science or related fields often see high starting salaries and promising career growth.

3. Finance/Economics: Here, there's potential for high earnings, especially if you branch into fields like investment banking or hedge fund management. But remember, these fields can also be highly competitive and intense.

4. Applied Mathematics/Statistics: In today's data-driven world, those with strong skills in mathematics and statistics can often secure impressive salaries, particularly within the tech and finance sectors.

Remember, the best major isn't only about money—it's also about your passions and interests, your skills and strengths, and the work you'll enjoy doing for a significant part of your life. If you hate what you do, a high salary might not deliver the happiness and satisfaction you're seeking. So, consider all these factors before finalizing your major.

3 months ago

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