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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Top North East Colleges for History Majors?

Hey, I'm looking forward to major in history, and I'd like to stay in the northeast if possible. Can anyone clue me in about the best colleges here for history majors?

3 months ago

Absolutely! The Northeast is home to a number of prestigious colleges and universities renowned for their strong programs in history. In no particular order, here are some schools noteworthy for their history programs:

1. Harvard University: Harvard has a rich history (no pun intended) and prestigious reputation in the world of historical scholarship. The faculty is made up of leading experts in a wide range of historical fields.

2. Yale University: Yale's history department is one of the largest and most diverse in the nation. The program provides a broad understanding of history and allows students to specialize in a range of concentrations, from ancient to modern times, and with a geographical focus anywhere in the world.

3. Columbia University: Columbia's history department offers a curriculum that stretches from the ancient world to the present and spans the globe. There are also many interdisciplinary opportunities with other departments.

4. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn): UPenn's history department offers a multitude of courses ranging from ancient to modern eras, and across various geographical settings. They also offer joint majors such as International Relations and History.

5. Brown University: Brown is recognized for its unique Open Curriculum, which would allow you, as a History major, to dive into other interests as well. Broadly, their history program emphasizes depth and breadth of understanding and encourages students to do original research.

Remember, the "best" college will differ for each individual based on a variety of factors including financial circumstances, proximity to home, size, and campus culture. So it's crucial to research each institution thoroughly and, if possible, visit campuses or attend virtual tour/information sessions.

3 months ago

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