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Searching for good Online Programs for Secondary Education

Hello folks! I'm considering a career in teaching secondary education and I'm exploring online schools. Could any of you recommend some of the top online programs for this major? Thank you!

3 months ago

Hello there! Your decision to pursue secondary education is an admirable one. Teaching is indeed a rewarding profession!

Let's delve into some of the top online programs that you can consider for pursuing your degree in secondary education. It's worth noting that the availability of subjects and the structure of these programs can vary, so I suggest checking out each program individually to find the one that fits your needs and career goals.

- Western Governors University (WGU): WGU's College of Education offers an online Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education. The program is centered around training teachers for licensure in middle school or high school.

- Arizona State University (ASU): ASU's online program offers a Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education (English). This degree specifically focuses on English language arts instruction for grades 6-12.

- Grand Canyon University (GCU): GCU offers an online Bachelor of Science in Math for Secondary Education which could be a great option if you're interested in teaching math.

- Florida International University (FIU): FIU's online Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education is another viable option. They offer specializations in subjects like Mathematics, Social Science, and Earth/Space Science among others.

- University of Wisconsin - Superior (UW-Superior): UW-Superior offers an online Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Education, with a variety of teachable concentrations you can prefer.

Each of these programs is designed to produce productive educators and they are all respected in the field. Make sure to consider accreditation, curriculum, costs, the teaching practicum, and personal fit when making your decision. Best of luck as you move forward on this exciting path!

3 months ago

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