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What are the top colleges for the medical field in California?

Hello! I'm a high school junior currently exploring my options for college. I'm particularly drawn to the medical field. I live in California and am curious about the best colleges in the state for someone interested in this field. Any advice would be very helpful!

3 months ago

California is home to numerous excellent programs for students interested in the medical field. Here are some of the top picks:

1. Stanford University: The Stanford University School of Medicine is one of the top medical schools in the nation, renowned for integrating clinical medicine, research, and bioengineering. They have several opportunities for undergraduates to become involved in medical research.

2. University of California, San Francisco (UCSF): While UCSF doesn't have a traditional undergraduate program as it is a graduate-only institution, it is worth noting due to its focus on health sciences. It's acknowledged globally for its incredible research, graduate-level biology, and medical programs.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine is among the most prestigious in the nation. The undergraduate "Pre-health" advising is top-notch, as are the numerous opportunities for students for internships and research.

4. University of California, Berkeley: While UC Berkeley doesn't house a medical school, it does have highly ranked integrative biology and molecular and cell biology programs for undergraduates, not to mention the strong public health program. It's also close to UCSF for students interested in research experiences.

5. University of Southern California (USC): The Keck School of Medicine at USC is another excellent choice. USC also provides undergraduates with "Health Professions Advising" and numerous chances for internships, volunteering, and research.

6. University of California, San Diego (UCSD): UCSD's School of Medicine is top-tier as well. The school also provides robust pre-med advising to undergraduate students.

When choosing colleges, remember to look beyond just the rankings. Make sure to consider the overall fit of the institution, including factors such as size, location, extracurricular opportunities, and the general campus culture to see if it aligns with your personal preferences and goals. It's also important to note that you don't necessarily have to major in a science to go to medical school. Medical schools generally look for students who have successfully completed their pre-med requirements, shown a commitment to helping others, and demonstrated the skills and character to succeed in the demanding medical profession. Finally, a robust MCAT score and a strong GPA will be equally important in getting into medical school.

3 months ago

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