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Choosing a Philosophy Major - Best Colleges in California?

I find myself increasingly drawn towards the study of Philosophy! If any of you know which colleges in California excel in this major, could you drop a word about it? Or if anybody studying philosophy in any California colleges, could you share your experiences? It'd mean a lot to me!

3 months ago

Sure! It's awesome that you're passionate about studying philosophy. In California, there are several colleges that are renowned for their philosophy programs.

1. Stanford University: Stanford is known for an excellent philosophy program that offers a broad education in various areas of philosophy. Moreover, their department is highly reputed for its research and doctoral programs too, producing numerous well-regarded philosophers.

2. University of California, Berkeley: Berkeley's philosophy program is also celebrated for its excellence. The faculty are experts in an extensive range of philosophical areas, providing a variety of courses for you to explore.

3. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): UCLA has a highly respected philosophy department with a history of producing successful philosophy majors. They have an extensive catalog of philosophy classes, offering students the opportunity to delve into a wide array of philosophical topics.

4. University of California, Riverside (UCR): UCR has a strong philosophy department as well. Notably, the department is well-famed for its emphasis on the history of philosophy.

Keep in mind that while the reputation of the program matters, the factors such as class sizes, the faculty's accessibility, available resources, and the overall atmosphere of the college should also be considered. You might also want to take into account the other majors or minors you're interested in, as well as other aspects of campus life. Make sure to visit the campuses if possible, talk to current students or professors, and consider your overall lifestyle fit with the universities apart from just the academic fit.

Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out directly to the Philosophy departments of these universities for more detailed, specific information about their programs. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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