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Debate: Best Major for Cloud Computing?

I'm a high school junior super interested in cloud computing and it's my top career choice at the moment. Is there a particular college major that would give me the best foundation in this field? Your opinions are much valued.

3 months ago

As someone who has experience guiding many students towards this field, I'd suggest looking into majors such as Computer Science, Information Systems, or even Computer Engineering. These majors offer a good foundation for anyone wishing to venture into cloud computing.

Firstly, a Computer Science major would typically cover most of the concepts you need in cloud computing. You'll delve into programming languages, algorithms and data structures, among other important aspects. This will equip you with solid coding skills which are central to solving problems in the cloud.

Next, Information Systems is another great fit. While it also covers some programming, it tends to be more business-oriented and often includes classes on data management, networking, and security. These topics are also key in cloud computing, so this major would give you a more holistic view of the IT landscape.

Lastly, Computer Engineering could be a choice if you're more interested in the hardware side of things. While cloud computing is generally more software-focused, understanding the intricacies of computer hardware might give you an edge when it comes to optimizing cloud resources.

As cloud computing is a bit of a specialty area, you might not find specific undergraduate degrees that are focused entirely around it. After obtaining a degree in the said fields, you might want to consider pursuing certifications from providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, which usually lead directly to jobs in the field.

Remember, with fields like cloud computing, hands-on experience is often just as important as your major. Consider joining related clubs in college, seeking internships or co-op experiences, and working on personal projects related to cloud computing to strengthen your skills and understanding.

3 months ago

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