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Data Science: College Major?

Hey, I'm really into data science and I'm thinking that's the direction I'd like to go in. What major would be best to get me there? Anyone pursuing this line, your advice would be very appreciated!

3 months ago

A lot of students who are interested in data science usually choose to major in related fields such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or a specialized Data Science program if the college/university offers that.

Computer Science would offer you a solid foundation in coding and algorithms, both of which are critical for data science. You would learn about data structures, algorithms, machine learning, and much more, all of which are highly relevant to data science.

Majoring in Mathematics or Statistics could also be a great path towards a career in data science. These fields focus on data analysis and interpretation, probability, regression, and other concepts that are key to data science.

However, a major specifically in Data Science would provide a more directly applicable curriculum. These programs are on the rise, and they cover computer programming, statistics, machine learning, and applied math, with an emphasis on practical problem solving with data.

Regardless of the major you choose, look for opportunities to take classes in all these areas, as well as opportunities for internships or research in the field to gain real-world experience. Many students also find it beneficial to pick up a minor or double-major to complement their studies.

3 months ago

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