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Where should a sports enthusiast apply in California?

Hey, guys! Passionate about sports and considering studying it in college. As a Californian, where should I aim for if I want to pursue this in college? Thanks a lot!

3 months ago

Hello! It's splendid to see someone so passionate about sports and wanting to integrate that into your college studies. There are several excellent universities in California with strong program offerings for students interested in sports-related fields.

One of the standout options is the University of Southern California (USC). USC offers a number of majors related to sports such as Human Performance, Sports Journalism, and Health and Human Sciences with a concentration in sports science. Furthermore, they also have a Masters in the Sports Industry for after your undergrad years.

Another great choice would be the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). They offer a major in Kinesiology that binds biology, psychology, and physical education, and a Masters in Athletic Training. There's also a minor in Sports Management for those interested in the administrative elements of athletics.

A more specific program perhaps could be the Sports Management program at the University of San Francisco (USF). They offer both a BS and an MS in Sports Management that are known for providing a deep understanding and experience in the sports industry.

Lastly, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a Kinesiology major with a concentration in Exercise Science that might pique your interest. It's a strong program with a heavy emphasis on hands-on learning.

Remember to also check the practical experiences these programs are offering such as internships and networking opportunities within the sports industry, as these can be highly valuable to your future career!

I hope you find this information helpful in your college quest. Good luck!

3 months ago

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