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Great Business Programs in Orange County?

Hey everyone, I'm from Orange County and planning on majoring in business. I'd like to stay local and wanted to know which colleges here have strong business programs. Thanks in advance!

3 months ago


Absolutely, there are several colleges in Orange County that have robust business programs. Generally speaking, Chapman University, CSU Fullerton, and University of California, Irvine (UCI) come to mind as some prominent ones.

Chapman University's Argyros School of Business and Economics is well renowned for the depth and versatility of their programs. They have both B.S. in Business Administration and B.A. in Economics, and they provide students with a robust curriculum and even offer study abroad and internship opportunities.

CSU Fullerton's Mihaylo College of Business and Economics is the largest accredited business school on the West Coast, and they offer a comprehensive program in business and economics. Students have the opportunity to learn theoretical business concepts as well as gain practical work experience through internships and experiential learning.

UCI's Paul Merage School of Business, meanwhile, emphasizes the digital and analytical side of business. Their curriculum is designed to prepare students for a digitally driven world.

Each school has its own emphasis and strengths, so which one is best for you would depend on your specific interests within business. Regardless, all these three programs provide a solid foundation in business principles and offer opportunities for internships and real word experience.

Remember to take the time to tour each campus (virtually or in person) to see which environment you feel most comfortable in and consider factors such as class size, faculty availability, student support, and so on. Best of luck with your search!

3 months ago

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