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Which major ensures high employment rates after graduation?

What's up! I'm kinda nervous about the future job market and want to choose a major that has a good track record for employment rates. Any suggestions?

3 months ago

Hello! It's understandable to be considering the job prospects of your major. However, do keep in mind that loving your major is just as crucial, as this will lead to better performance and ultimately, better professional opportunities.

That being said, some majors with traditionally high employment rates are engineering, computer science, and healthcare-based fields.

1. Engineering: Many different types of engineering (mechanical, chemical, civil, electrical, etc.) have high job placement rates due to the high demand in various industries.

2. Computer Science: This field is growing rapidly with our increasing dependance on tech. The demand for roles such as software engineers, data scientists, and systems analysts remains high.

3. Healthcare: Degrees in nursing, pharmacy, or pre-medical studies often lead to steady jobs because healthcare is a constant need.

Remember, these are just a few examples. A lot of it will depend on your interests, skills, and the amount of effort you're ready to put into your career. High employment doesn't always equate to job satisfaction, so make sure to choose something you'll enjoy and excel at. Good luck!

3 months ago

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