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Major Dilemma: What's the Best College Major for Future Astronauts?

Hey, y'all! I'm seriously considering pursuing a career as an astronaut. Yeah, I know it's a moonshot (pun intended) but hey, someone's got to do it. What college majors would better gear me for astronaut training programs like NASA's? I heard Physics and Aerospace Engineering but would love more options! Thanks in advance.

3 months ago


It's exciting to hear about your ambition to reach for the stars! Your research was on point; Physics and Aerospace Engineering are certainly two fields that may prepare you for a career as an astronaut. However, there are other majors that could also be beneficial.

1. Computer Science: Space missions increasingly depend on complex computer systems for navigation, communication, and data collection. An understanding of programming and system design can therefore be very advantageous.

2. Biology or Biomedical Engineering: NASA is interested in the effects of space travel on the human body, and having skills in these fields can give you an edge. You'd be able to help NASA understand and counteract the physiological and psychological stresses of space travel.

3. Chemistry or Material Science: The development of new materials and chemicals is a critical part of space exploration. Knowledge in these areas could be beneficial for designing spacecraft, suits, and habitats that can withstand the harsh conditions of space.

4. Geology or Earth Sciences: If part of your mission involves studying other planets or moons, knowledge of geology could be incredibly useful. As we continue exploring our solar system, astronauts will likely need to be able to identify and analyze geological features on other celestial bodies.

Always remember, though, that NASA typically requires an appropriate amount of professional experience in addition to your education, so try to get involved with relevant internships and research projects as soon as you can. Also, NASA favors applicants with some kind of flight experience, so you might want to consider getting your pilot's license at some point. Best of luck on your journey to the stars!

3 months ago

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