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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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In Search of the Best Science Colleges in California

Hello everyone, I'm currently a junior who enjoys science and I think that's what I want to study in college. I heard that California has some great programs. Can anyone suggest the top science-focused colleges in California?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there is indeed a wealth of excellent programs in California for the sciences. Here's a few you might want to consider.

1. Stanford University: With a robust STEM program and state-of-the-art research facilities, Stanford has a solid reputation for science. The university enables students to collaborate with faculty on research from early on.

2. University of California, Berkeley: Known for its rigorous STEM programs, UC Berkeley has a particularly renowned Biology and Chemistry department, and its Physics, Astronomy, and Earth and Planetary Sciences programs should also be considered.

3. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): Specializing in science and engineering education, Caltech's unique house system and small classes mean you'll get an intimate and immersive educational experience.

4. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): A public research university, UCLA offers a wide array of science majors from Biology and Physics to Environmental Science, and allows students to take part in research projects.

5. University of Southern California (USC): Though well-known for its arts programs, USC also offers robust science programs. Its Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences offers majors in a wide range of scientific disciplines.

6. University of California, San Diego (UCSD): If you're interested in Life Sciences or Biological Sciences, UCSD should be on your radar. They are particularly known for their biology and bioengineering programs.

These are just a handful of the options available in California. Remember, when looking at colleges for science programs it's also very important to consider the specific branches of science that you're interested in, as some schools might be stronger in certain areas than others. Also consider the opportunities for lab work, research opportunities, and internships that each school can offer.

3 months ago

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