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Which College Major is Best for Writers?

Hey guys. Writing is my passion, and I want to continue it in college with the hopes of making it my career someday. I know English seems like the obvious choice, but what other majors should I consider as an aspiring writer? I'm open to all suggestions! Thanks!

3 months ago

Absolutely, exploring majors beyond English is a great approach, as it can broaden not only your academic scope but also your writing perspective.

One option is a major in Journalism if you're interested in writing for magazines, newspapers, or online platforms. This major focuses on writing standards for news, feature writing, and ethics in journalism.

If you're into storytelling and dramatic structure, consider majoring in Film Studies or Screenwriting. These disciplines will expose you to various styles and genres, providing you with a deeper understanding of how to create compelling, vivid, and immersive narratives.

Another route could be a Creative Writing major. This helps you refine your skills in various types of creative writing, such as short stories, poetry, and novellas. Some programs even allow for genre specialization.

Alternatively, if you are interested in technical topics or making complex ideas accessible and approachable to readers, a major in Technical Writing or Communication could be a great fit. This might involve writing manuals, explanatory documents, or articles that make science and technology understandable to the general public.

Lastly, majoring in History or Philosophy can provide great training, as these subjects require intensive amounts of reading and writing. You'll learn critical thinking skills and how to craft compelling arguments, which can be invaluable for a writer.

Remember, the key is to choose a major that aligns with your writing goals and interests, and one that you will genuinely enjoy studying. And don't forget, regardless of your major, you can always take writing workshops or classes in different departments to diversify your skills and exposure.

3 months ago

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