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Best Major for Aspiring Astronauts?

Hello everyone! Since I was a kid, I've dreamed about going to space and guess what? Nothing has changed. I'm a rising junior now and looking at colleges. I'm trying to work out what I should major in to fulfill my dream of becoming an astronaut. Is there a 'best' degree path for this kind of career goal? All insights welcomed.

3 months ago

Your aspirations are inspiring! The path to becoming an astronaut often starts with a strong background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This doesn't necessarily mean there's only one 'right' major for aspiring astronauts - many have pursued a variety of paths and it often comes down to what area of STEM you're most interested and proficient in.

Many astronauts have degrees in fields like physics, astrophysics, astronomy, or other space sciences. These degrees allow a deep understanding of celestial bodies and the physics that govern the universe - all valuable for space exploration.

Engineering is another popular choice. Having a background in mechanical, aeronautical, or aerospace engineering can provide a good understanding of the spacecraft systems that astronauts manage during missions. Software engineering could also become more relevant, as spacecraft become increasingly automated.

However, expanding the astronaut profile, some astronauts have backgrounds in biology or medicine. Understanding how living organisms function in space is just as vital to long-term space missions. If considering this, look for programs that offer research opportunities in related areas, like space medicine or astrobiology.

Ideally, whatever major you choose should lead to a master's or doctorate as NASA typically requires astronauts to have at least a master's degree in a STEM field.

Beyond academics, experience in fields like aviation or the military are commonly seen among astronaut profiles. NASA values leadership skills, so involvement in extracurricular activities where such skills can be displayed is beneficial for your application.

Ultimately, the "best" major will be one in a field you genuinely enjoy and can thrive in. That enthusiasm will then come across in your work and any future applications you may submit to NASA or other space organizations. Good luck with your future space adventures!

3 months ago

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