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Which California colleges offer the best financial aid?

Hey guys, I've been trying to do my research regarding financial aid and it's been quite overwhelming. I'd really appreciate if anyone could share their knowledge about which California colleges offer the best financial aid packages or strategies to maximize aid potential.

3 months ago

Both the University of California (UC) system and the California State University (CSU) system can offer extensive aid. For your state schools, it's worth noting that UC schools tend to offer more generous aid than CSU schools due to larger endowments.

Starting with the UC system, UCLA, is known for their substantial aid. They meet 100% of the financial need for in-state students.

Stanford University, a private institution, is also noteworthy for its exemplary financial aid. They provide free tuition for families making under $150,000 per year and free tuition, room, and board for families making under $65,000.

Another private university to consider is the University of Southern California. They offered free tuition for families with an income of $80,000 or less.

To maximize your potential aid, be sure to fill out the FAFSA and the California Dream Act Application (if eligible) as soon as they open. The sooner you fill these forms, the better your chances of receiving aid. Other strategies include applying for scholarships—both those offered by the institution and those from outside sources.

Remember to use the Net Price Calculators on each institutions' financial aid website to get an estimate of your potential aid package. This tool can be really helpful and can give you a clear vision of what you might be expected to pay at each school.

3 months ago

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