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California Colleges Offering Great Undergrad Business Programs

Hey there, I'm an upcoming senior who's interested in business, particularly finance and entrepreneurship. I heard California schools have great programs, what are some top California colleges for undergraduate business?

3 months ago

Absolutely, California certainly has a lot of schools with stellar undergraduate business programs! Here are a few that stand out:

1. University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business): UC Berkeley's Haas is competitive and prestigious, well-respected for its excellence in Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. It's one of the few UCs that offer a business major at the undergraduate level.

2. University of Southern California (Marshall School of Business): USC Marshall offers a high-quality business curriculum with many opportunities for networking and internships, having corporate partnerships with many firms in Los Angeles.

3. California Polytechnic State University (Orfalea College of Business): Cal Poly is well-known for its "learn by doing" philosophy, providing undergraduates with many experiential learning opportunities. The Orfalea College of Business is well-recognized for its Finance curriculum.

4. University of San Diego (School of Business): USD School of Business offers small class sizes and great faculty engagement. It also has strong connections with the entrepreneurial community of San Diego.

5. University of California, Irvine (Paul Merage School of Business): UCI's Business Administration major offers several concentrations, including both finance and entrepreneurship.

These are just a handful of the schools in California with great business programs, and the perfect one for you will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences. If you have other specifics you're interested in sharing, perhaps in terms of location, size, or selectivity, feel free to share, and I can provide more tailored recommendations!

3 months ago

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