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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Best California State Colleges for Engineering?

Hey folks! I'm super passionate about engineering and I'm trying to find the top state colleges in California for it. What are some favorites and why? I'd appreciate any insight!

3 months ago

The Cal State University system is a vast network with numerous campuses specialized in various fields. If engineering is your interest, certain Cal State colleges stand out because of their strong programs:

1. San Luis Obispo: Cal Poly SLO is widely recognized as one of the top engineering programs in the state. It consistently ranks among the best engineering schools in the nation. This is due to its distinguished faculty, rigorous coursework, and a learned-by-doing philosophy that gives you plenty of hands-on experience, better preparing you for real-world engineering challenges.

2. Pomona: Cal Poly Pomona also has a very strong engineering program. Similar to SLO, Pomona emphasizes experiential learning, which often leads to successful post-graduation outcomes such as high-ranking engineering roles.

3. Long Beach: CSU Long Beach offers a diverse array of engineering programs. It is recognized for its strong academics and extensive co-op and internship opportunities with local and regional businesses. This potentially gives you an edge in job placement after graduation.

4. Northridge: CSU Northridge has a robust College of Engineering and Computer Science that encompasses a variety of disciplines. Northridge's location in the technology-dense area of Los Angeles makes it a prime destination for aspiring engineers.

Before making any decision, it's key to look at factors beyond the strength of the program. You should consider things like financial affordability, campus culture, location, and the size of the college, as these too can impact your college experience and outcomes. Research thoroughly and consider visiting the campuses if possible to get a feel for each institution.

3 months ago

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