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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Major that Encourages Critical Thinking?

Hey all, I always find myself enjoying classes where there's a heavy emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. So, as I start to think about college and figuring out what to major in, which fields would you suggest are best for honing these critical thinking skills?

3 months ago

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are key components of many fields of study, so you have several potential options that might align with your interests.

First, the field of philosophy is deeply rooted in critical thinking. This major focuses on logical reasoning, ethical understanding, and problem-solving through the exploration of various philosophical theories and arguments.

Secondly, computer science is another major that heavily relies on problem-solving skills. As you study coding, algorithms, data structures, and artificial intelligence, you will need to use critical thinking to create efficient solutions and troubleshoot problems.

Moreover, the field of economics might also be of interest. It requires clear, logical thought to understand complex theories and data. You would be required to apply these theories to real-world scenarios, creating and assessing potential solutions to economic issues.

Similarly, majors in the sciences, like physics or chemistry, are fundamentally about solving complex problems. They encourage critical thinking through experimentation and analysis.

Lastly, consider looking into the humanities, such as English or History. These fields often involve analyzing texts, understanding context, and developing interpretations, all of which bolster critical thinking skills.

Remember, critical thinking can be developed in many fields. The key is to find a subject that interests you and encourages you to challenge assumptions, ask questions, and solve problems.

3 months ago

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