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What's the Preferred Pre-Dentistry Major?

So, here's the deal: I'm super passionate about dentistry and I'm hoping to make it my career. What should I major in during my undergrad years to prepare for dental school? I'd appreciate any guidance on this!

3 months ago

While there isn't a specific, universally-accepted pre-dentistry major, it's important to choose a major that allows you to fulfill the prerequisite courses required for dental school. Core requirements typically include courses in biology, chemistry (general and organic), physics, and sometimes human anatomy, biochemistry, and microbiology. However, the required prerequisites vary from school to school, so you'll need to research the specific dental schools you're interested in to ensure you meet their requirements.

Given these requirements, often students interested in dentistry choose majors like biology, biochemistry, or chemistry. However, keep in mind that dental schools don't require students to major in the sciences. Humanities, social sciences, or other non-science majors can provide a diverse academic background that can be beneficial in the dental field. Whichever major you choose, just ensure you can fit in the prerequisite coursework for your dental schools of interest.

Remember, no matter what your major, maintaining a strong overall and science GPA, as well as achieving a competitive Dental Admission Test (DAT) score, are also crucial. Doing research, community service, and gaining exposure to the dental field through shadowing or work experience can also strengthen your application. If it's possible at your undergraduate institution, taking a few upper-level biology courses could be very beneficial in preparing for the content of the DAT.

Once you're in college, you should also consider connecting with a pre-health advisor who can provide guidance and resources as you prepare for dental school. They can help you navigate prerequisite requirements, advise you on gaining the right experiences and skills for your application, and assist in the application process when the time comes.

Remember, success in dental school applications tends to be less about the specific major you choose and more about your performance in your chosen major, the completion of prerequisites, your DAT scores, and other experiences showing your commitment to the dental field. Good luck on your journey to becoming a dentist!

3 months ago

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