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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Fusing Creativity & Tech: Best College Major for Creative Minds Eyeing a Tech-Based Change?

I'm a creative person with a fascination for technology. I have this dream of combining both to bring about fantastic changes in the world! Are there any majors that could help such a venture?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are many majors that enable you to merge creativity with technology and fuel your ambition of making impactful changes! Here are a few options:

1. Computer Graphics Technology - This field merges visual creativity and computer technology. You'd learn about 3D modeling, animation, and digital imaging, which can be applied in fields from video game design to architecture and marketing.

2. Interactive Media Design or User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) Design - These areas focus on creating user-friendly experiences in digital spaces. They require creative problem-solving and understanding of how users interact with digital interfaces.

3. Digital Media/Multimedia - This field gives you the chance to learn about many forms of digital media, including video, web design, graphic design, and animation.

4. Computer Science with a focus on Creative Coding or Computational Media - This is a more technical area. Creative Coding involves using programming languages to create interactive, aesthetically pleasing works of digital art. Computational media blends storytelling and digital technology, incorporating things like virtual and augmented reality.

Remember that the major doesn't dictate everything. You can also take independent courses or do extracurricular activities that align with your interests. Keep exploring your passions, and I'm sure you'll find the right path for you!

3 months ago

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