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Best major for enhancing critical thinking skills?

Hey everyone, so I'm really into cultivating my critical thinking skills and I was wondering what's the best major for that? I'm currently a junior trying to figure out what to study but there's so much out there! Any guidance appreciated.

3 months ago

While all college majors will require some level of critical thinking, there are a few that stand out as particularly relevant for honing these skills.

1. Philosophy: The emphasis of this major is logic, argumentation, and rationality - the core elements of critical thinking. You'll learn to examine complex problems, analyze different viewpoints, and construct cogent arguments.

2. Literature: With literature, you're constantly engaging with complex narratives, identifying themes, applying theory, and making arguments about the texts you're reading. Your analytical skills will be regularly exercised and refined.

3. Political Science: With political science, you'll grapple with complex theories and confront issues from multiple perspectives. This degree requires making connections between past and present, considering global point of views, and predicting future outcomes.

4. Economics: This involves heavy analysis of data to understand market trends and economic theories, making it another excellent choice. It will bathe you in currencies, stocks, bonds, and other financial concepts that function on analytical thinking.

5. Computer Science: Between the programming, complex math, and problem-solving, this major is great for building logical thinking skills.

Remember, the most important part is to choose a major that you're passionate about, not just one that seems to belong to a 'critical thinking' category. You can develop critical thinking skills in many disciplines if you approach them with curiosity and a willingness to challenge assumptions. Keep exploring your passions and the answer will surface.

3 months ago

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